I am happy to be invited again to participate with my videos. This year I share with the audience my series of music videos Wild &Tame, from my collaboration with musician and composer Žan Tetičkovič - Jean John, and with Brad Ross, Jernej Bervar, Marko Churnchetz, and Shin Sakaino.

Wild&Tame / 2020 / 39:44 is a knot of music&art, of musicians&artist, of the inner&outer worlds, of the tiny country of Slovenia&the megapolis of New York City. It is the third part of the trilogy words@motion where the words live in other contexts, in other music and although being the same, these words catalyse different feelings leading into different moods. For those who are not at Blaugelbe Zwettl this afternoon - you are kindly invited to listen to the songs and view the videos at my Bandcamp link.
Wild&Tame consists of 9 songs and videos:
Searching / 4:05 …Searching inside my pomegranate - a mosaic of emotions. Is this the apple of the 21st century Eva? Our 21st century e@motion grenade?
Secret Garden / 5:15, magnifies the micro-world of insects and opens it up to the view of our human macro-world - beginning the dialogue between them.
Siren Song / 3:51 Can a girl be transplanted from life on land into life in the sea? Can a girl's heart be used to fuel the life of a fish? Can a fish fall in love with a girl?
La Reverie / 5:38 Into how many pieces is it possible to cut up a dream, into how many layers is it possible to grind the dream and till what stage of shine should one polish a dream before it breaks apart?
Wild&Tame / 3:43 Can a heart be stuffed, preserved and laid on display? Can love be stuffed, preserved and laid on display? Can a life be stuffed, preserved, and laid on display?
Pin Down / 4:29 How to preserve desire? Catch it, hold it by its wings, freeze it, squeeze the pin through the center of its thorax and pin it down?
Star Crossed Girl / 3:35 Love – a game of chess played on a chess board that records all its passways, never disappearing like scars in life.
Spiral Serenade / 4:26 Is this just another paper-thin love story - appearing and disappearing, re-appearing, moving and tricking us?
Blue Violets / 4:42 How to keep your love from becoming blue? Prune it at the right time and the right angle…
Vocal and Lyrics by Eva Petrič , Music by Jean John / Žan Tetičkovič Except Searching, lyrics Eva Petrič, Music Brad Ross, Arranged by Žan Tetičkovič Band: Jernej Bervar: guitar Marko Churnchetz: piano Shin Sakaino: bass Jean John: drums Studio: Brooklyn Recording Studio Recording engineer: Michael Brorby Part of this album was presented also at the Slovene National Radio by music editor Jernej Vene in his show At the stage.