Thanks to all who managed to attend my performance Eden transplanted yesterday, reconnecting me with India, highlighting the 30 years of diplomatic ties between Slovenia and India, and highlighting the concept of freedom in the frame of the EUNIC Freedom project, at the M. L. Bhartia Auditorium in New Delhi.
It feels good coming "home" to my childhood home of having lived in New Delhi, India as a little girl. My thanks to everyone who came last night to my performance Eden, transplanted at the M. L. Bhartia Auditorium of Alliance Française in New Delhi.
In my search for home, for Eden... yesterday...
I am honored to have been invited to present my performance Eden, transplanted, in New Delhi in the frame of the EUNIC Freedom project and on the occasion of highlighting 30 years of diplomatic ties between Slovenia and India organized by the Embassy of Slovenia in India.
My thanks to the Embassy of Slovenia in New Delhi for inviting me to India and to the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia for supporting this project.
Eden, transplanted, awarded with Best Art Performance award at the United Solo Festival New York in 2017 and the Best of Ten Years recognition United Solo Festival, New York, 2019 explores the possibilities of transplanting the human race - through the symbol of the human heart- onto other planets.
I spent two of my formative childhood years in New Delhi, which have left an imprint on my art even today. I am especially happy that Eden, transplanted reconnected me with Ljubica Pevec Daruwalla, with whom i share one year of my childhood life of exploring New Delhi many years ago and who patiently organized my performance 30 years later in this vibrant city.
I am grateful to the theatre artist and publicist Christopher Daruwalla for his wonderful input into transplanting my performance and original choreography of New York choreographer and dancer Janis Brenner into the Indian context and leading the artist talk that took place after the performance and the thought-provoking introduction.
With Cristopher Daruwalla talking about heart, emotions, Eden and spirit ...
My thanks to all numerous visitors who came to the stage to continue discussion even after the artist talk in front of the fully occupied auditorium...
As well as my thanks to all those who contributed their resources to enabling this performance to take place, to the AKH in Vienna, Favalore Foundation Clinic in Buenos Aires, to the MC Medicor in Slovenia as well as to NASA, ESA and CERN for providing me with the various sound and visual materials incorporated into this project.