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On the day of my birth

Eva Petrič

performance at the 2nd anniversary of Slovenia's 1st satellite NEMO-HD in Earth's orbit

On the day of my birth - Slovenia's satellite NEMO-HD in Earth's orbit, in the Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, Sept.2, 2022

It was a great honor to have been entrusted by Dr. Tomaz Rodic, our chief scientist and engineer and the one responsible for Slovenia’s first satellite, to mark with my performance the 2nd anniversary of its successful launch to Earth's orbit...

... providing us with many useful statistics and breaking records of satellite longevity...

I feel honored to have been entrusted as one to “open” this important celebration anniversary event at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts SAZU...

... with the surprise artistic intervention performance “On the day of my birth”...4

within the audience of distinguished guests from Slovenia's government with Slovenia's Primer Minister Dr. Robert Golob and Ministers for science (Dr. Igor Papič) and technology (Matjaž Han) as well as distinguished guests from abroad...

...among them former heads of NASA AMES and current directors of Breakthrough Initiatives, Dr. S. Peter Worden and Dr. Pete Klupar:

with the team of and NEMO-HD satelite:

I am proud that Slovenia’s achievements have been recognized, giving inspiration to all those who might believe that space venture and exploration is only reserved for large countries. If anywhere it is within the context of space exploration and our Collective wish to protect our planet, that we all need to come together as one species, as humane beings and join forces as have expressed so well the various astronauts and Carl Sagan whose statements of looking down at our beautiful and fragile Earth I have intertwined into my immersive video performance.

Copyright ©Eva Petric, Bildrecht Vienna, 2022, , All rights reserved.

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