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  • Eva Petrič

My Earthling Tattoo Seal

My Earthling Tattoo Seal and DBE-Message from Earth as part of the MoonGallery bound for space today, from Wallops NASA Flight Facility with the Antares rocket to ISS International Space Station!

With Masahito Ono from Japan, Mary Kuiper from Holland and Henk Rogers from New York/Hawaii at yesterday's presentation in Washington DC of the MoonGallery launch to the ISS.

I am thrilled to announce today's launch of MoonGallery's art collection of ideas "worth to be sent to the Moon"- including my Earthling Tattoo Seal and DBE-Message from Earth- to​ the International Space Station, from NASA Flight Facility in Wallops Island in Virginia, USA.

Earthling Tattoo Seal in its 1 cm3 plexi glass cube and DBE Message from Earth, encapsulated into a scented clay cube (in collaboration with Mateja S. Dimic), will fly to this final frontier of human habitat space with Nanoracks aboard the Antares rocket within the framework of a Northrop Grumman Cygnus NG-17 resupply mission from NASA Flights Facility in Wallops Island, Virginia, USA.

Earthling Tattoo Seal and DBE Message from Earth will be placed within the MoonGallery’s 8x8 grid of 1 cm3 cells housing 64 physical artefacts and one engraved AR artwork. This event will mark the historical meeting point of the Moon Gallery, of which both Earthling Tattoo Seal and DBE Message from Earth are parts of it, and the cosmos.

“For this mission, we have collected art pieces that carry important values for humanity not only at this point on Earth but also for a future multi planetary society. The final artworks to be exhibited at the International Space Station will be the “pioneers” of the MoonGallery: our first pieces to go to space and to channel our values into the universe”, say Anna and Elisaveta, the MoonGallery curator team.

Below are a couple of images of this week's Antares roll-out from the Horizontal Integration Facility (HIF) to the Launchpad (0A).

At this time Antares is already standing vertical on the pad and awaits today's Wet Launch Rehearsal.

Credit: MoonGallery Foundation, processing BF)
MoonGallery ISS integrated for Test Flight with Nanoracks

After the exhibition, the gallery will be safely returned to Earth to prepare it for the next adventure: for the flight to the Moon, hopefully in 2025!

Good morning. It’s Wednesday. We’ll look at settlements in two high-profile lawsuits — one filed against the company that manufactured that AR-15-style rifle used in the Sandy Hook school massacre in Connecticut 11 years ago, the other filed against Prince Andrew by a teenage victim of his friend, Jeffrey Epstein.

Michelle Mcloughlin/Reuters

My thanks to HE Tone Kajzer, the ambassador of Slovenia to USA, who attended the presentation of the MoonGallery/MarsMoon mission in Washington DC:

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